
Jeff Finley

Pay What You Can Afford? - Finley Fridays #16

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader,

Jeff Finley here. It's been a busy week, so I'm going to keep this one relatively short. A few quick updates on what I'm working on plus an idea about pricing that I am considering.

New Podcast is Live

Firstly, you may have received an email announcement earlier this week about the new podcast I'm doing with Zach Hendrix called We Should Be Working. We are really excited to finally get it out there. You can hear our first two episodes on YouTube and all the major podcast platforms. We plan to release new episodes weekly.


Secondly, I'm working on uploading all of my BOXOMYLK music to Bandcamp and streaming platforms. I managed to get four new albums (actually old ones) up there this week!

This was my first foray into music production beginning in 2000. I had no knowledge or experience playing instruments or making music. But I found a free app called Drums! for Windows 2000 and I was off to the races. I also downloaded a pirated copy of Sound Forge and I was hooked.

These tracks are a mish-mash of drum-focused dance tunes, breaks, and glitchy experimental electronica. Some of this stuff probably won't make it to streaming services due samples that flag the content-ID algorithm, but all of it will be up on Bandcamp.

This is more of an archival project for myself and my friends. We used to dance to at LAN parties back in college, in between matches of Unreal Tournament and swigs of Mountain Dew. So it's been a nostalgia trip going through these old songs attempting to consolidate them into albums and remaster them.

I've got five albums done so far, and I'll be uploading the remaining six in the coming weeks. So click the button below to get alerted when new albums drop.

Pay What You Can Afford?

As I'm becoming increasingly disillusioned and baffled with what to do about money, I feel like trying something new. It's like I'm phasing out of the old way of doing business into a new way that's more aligned with... with something important inside. Wu Wei?

I've been wanting to try out this flexible pricing model for my freelance and 1-on-1 coaching services. Pay What You Can Afford perhaps. I just want a fair exchange that all parties can feel good about. And to see if this is even something people want.

Here's what I'm currently offering:

  1. Design & Illustration - For commercial or personal projects like what you see in my portfolio.
  2. 1-on-1 Coaching - I feel like I'm called to be some sort of coach or mentor, I just don't know how yet. If you're reading this feel energized by this idea, and think I can help you via a personal Zoom call, I'm happy to do one for free and see how it goes. Whether you're an artist, musician, or content creator and want some guidance or direction... or you're waking up spiritually and feel disillusioned and need some support.

If this interests you, let me know. Maybe it's a dumb idea... or maybe it opens the door to something new. We'll see.

What Else I've Been Into

That's about all.

Have a good weekend✌️


PS... I've been active on Goodreads lately if you're into that sorta thing

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Designer, Author, Mystic

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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

Jeff Finley

Personal Growth for Creators

I'm an artist, designer, music producer, author, and mystic with a passion for truth and personal growth. I like to share what I'm working on and working through each week, highlighting my creative pursuits and providing tips, tools, and resources for fellow creators.

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