
Jeff Finley

I'm an artist, designer, music producer, author, and mystic with a passion for truth and personal growth. I like to share what I'm working on and working through each week, highlighting my creative pursuits and providing tips, tools, and resources for fellow creators.

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AI website design and other workflows - Finley Fridays #34

Hey Reader, It's Jeff Finley here. It's been a good week and it's newsletter time. It's gonna be a little technical on web design stuff, but basic enough to understand what I mean. You can also skip to the end for some cool links of what I've been watching this week. Today I had the pleasure of watching the latest Bridge Builders live-stream. It was a deep dive into two different website building workflows starring Anne Bovelett & Max Ziebell. Anne was using Greyd Suite in WordPress and Max...

Hey Reader, The other day I posted on the Kevin Geary Inner Circle, looking for opinions about going back to school for web design. I received some interesting advice that I thought I'd share with you. If you have any opinions about it, I'd love to hear! Honestly, I've been thinking about "going back to school" for awhile. A couple years ago I was strongly considering studying music production and taking my talents to Icon Collective in Los Angeles. Obviously, I decided not to for practical...

Hey Reader, Jeff here, I hope you've had a good week. It's Finley Fridays! Today I want to share what I've been up to and all the cool links I've found. Let's get into it! Website Re-Build Updates 👨💻 Trying to Focus: I spent some time at the library working on my website redesign. It's been good but sometimes it feels like I'm fighting against myself when it comes to focus and procrastination. I want to get into deep work and make dents into the important tasks, but get lost in the weeds on...

Wix vs Wordpress

Hey Reader, It's Jeff Finley here. Time for the weekly update. Let's get into it. I got caught up in a fascinating discussion in Kevin Geary’s Inner Circle sparked by Jamie Marsland’s video about Wix’s "secret plan to conquer WordPress." It brought up a lot of great points about the future of WordPress and how it lags behind it's modern competitors in just about every category, except being open source. WordPress vs Everyone Else Here's an image that Jamie shared in his video. You can see...

Hey Reader, Jeff here. It's been a hugely productive week. I don't know if it's the microdosing shrooms, or it's just that I really love what I'm working on. I think a mixture of both. Today I just want to give you an update on what I'm working on and share the excitement and good vibes with you. New website updates I finally took the plunge and bought the various tools and plugins needed for my website rebuild project. This is huge because I've been deliberating for what seems like ages (see...

a mossy frog

Hey Reader, It's Jeff here. Let's do I talk about this... Let's just get right to it. I started microdosing shrooms this week. Read this post on my site If you're not familiar, microdosing means I'm taking small amounts (100mg) of psychedelic mushrooms a few times per week instead of in one large dose. It's getting more popular and legal in some states as a way to treat anxiety, OCD, and CPTSD. A few months ago, I heard an episode of the OCD Whisperer Podcast where they interview...

Hey Reader, Jeff here, and it's Finley Fridays Newsletter day. I want to talk to you today about procrastination and distraction. I feel like I'm struggling with this and don't want to admit it. I know... you've heard me talk about this before. I talk a lot about working on my website or making music, but instead of actually working on it, I keep doing research or watching other content about it. Preparing to start. Waiting for my body to give me the green light that it's go time. It's...

Gottman's 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Hey Reader, Jeff here with the 26th edition of Finley Fridays. That makes half a year's worth of weekly newsletters, wow. Time flies. Feel free to reply and let me know how I'm doing and if you want me to talk about something specific. This week I'm going back to the format of what I'm working ON and what I'm working THROUGH. While I've been eagerly pursuing learning new skills in web design, I have also been leveling up my emotional skills. Cara and I had another fight that was like a wake...

Hey Reader, It's Jeff here with the 25th edition of the Finley Fridays Newsletter. Today I’m going to give you a rundown of what I've been up to this week and share a bunch of cool resources that inspired me. First, what I’m working on: Web Design (Again) There seems to be a trend here. I’m getting deeper into web design as I brush up my skills in pursuit of a refresh of my site and the ability to offer my services to clients. I'm having a lot of fun learning and trying things out. Since I’m...

Hey Reader, Hey friends, Jeff here. Earlier this week I posted the 10th episode of the We Should Be Working podcast. I never thought I’d speak of the days where I aspired to be a professional cuddler, but here we are. You can thank Zach’s genuine curiosity for that one. We also talked about astral projection and my first ever out of body experience (OBE). Click here to listen to the episode We recorded our season finale of We Should Be Working this week (episode 12) which will come out May...