
Jeff Finley

I'm an artist, designer, music producer, author, and mystic with a passion for truth and personal growth. I like to share what I'm working on and working through each week, highlighting my creative pursuits and providing tips, tools, and resources for fellow creators.

Hurricane Helene damage
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Hurricane Helene hits close to home - Finley Fridays #43

Hey Reader, Man, it's been a wild week. Hurricane Helene hit, and we were fortunate enough to only experience minor damage here in southwest Ohio. We lost power for five hours and our internet connection for six days—a mild inconvenience compared to the devastation across the southeastern U.S. Damage from Hurricane Helene hits close to home Cara has family in western North Carolina, who fled their home in South Carolina to avoid the storm by retreating to their mountain cabin. Unfortunately,...

video preview

Hey Reader, Remember when I wrote about whose reality are you living in? Well, this week my attention has been glued to the latest WordPress drama following co-founder Matt Mullenweg's keynote speech at WordCamp US in Portland. WordPress Drama Unfolds: Matt vs. WP Engine The gist is that the Matt used his keynote to pick a fight with WP Engine, claiming they are exploiting WordPress and not giving back enough. He even went as far as calling them a “cancer” to the WordPress community and...


Hey Reader, I took last week’s newsletter off (did ya miss me?). Not sure if anyone noticed, but in my head, it felt like I was flaking on my duties as a newsletter writer. Honestly though, I just didn’t have much to say. I’m sure some of you appreciated one less piece of content cluttering an already overstuffed inbox. But this week I actually have some cool stuff to share with you. AI Tools for Writers Cara and I were having one of those chats—the AI is coming for our jobs kinda chats....

Reality bubbles

Hey Reader, I went on a group trip last weekend, and I had that familiar craving for solitude after several days of socializing. Trips like this always feel like I'm stepping out of my own world and entering someone else's for a while. It really got me thinking about people's energy fields and how powerful their gravity is... How we can get sucked into someone else's reality and lose track of our own. It got me thinking... Whose reality are we living in? Every living creature on this planet...

Making music with EZ Drummer 3

Hey Reader, Jeff here, I hope you're doing well. Here's what I've been working on and working through this week. Making music, WordPress drama, mindful fitness habits, and a Jungian analysis of Rumpelstiltskin lol. Scroll to the end to read how you can get a free 1-on-1 session with me! Making Music - Bboy Funk Inspired by my Bboying Music playlist, I wanted to try my hand at creating some vintage funk inspired breaks. I deliberately set aside time this week to focus on music production and...

Dear WordPress by Kevin Geary

Hey Reader, I hope you're doing well. Today I want to share what I've been into this week. I have some thoughts about my web design project and Kevin Geary's latest hype cycle. Followed by some cool things I'm reading and listening to. Let's get into it. Kevin Geary's latest hype cycle I gotta be honest, I have been fading on my interest in web design and falling out of the Kevin Geary orbit of influence. As you know from the last few months, I've posted a lot about WordPress and web design....

Raygun breakdancing at the Paris Olympics

Hey Reader, So the Olympics ended last week and I've been sorely missing it. But I've been glued into the drama around the breakdancing event all week. If you haven't been living under a rock, then you've probably heard about Raygun, the 36 year-old Australian b-girl who went mega viral and became a meme for her "cringe" performance. I have my own breakdance cringe moment. But I'll share that later in this post. I'm not here to rehash the entire situation, it's too much to go into. It's hard...

microdosing shrooms

Hey Reader, This week, a reader (hi Rich 👋) asked me my thoughts on microdosing shrooms. Any do's and don'ts. I shared my experience so far (almost two months in) and thought it might be helpful to others, so I am including it here. But first, a disclaimer. I am definitely not an expert in psychedelics and this is an "at your own risk" kinda thing. I'm just sharing my experience as someone whose relatively new to psilocybin (see my original post on why I'm doing it). Take my advice with a...

Hey Reader, It's Jeff Finley here. It's been a good week and it's newsletter time. It's gonna be a little technical on web design stuff, but basic enough to understand what I mean. You can also skip to the end for some cool links of what I've been watching this week. Today I had the pleasure of watching the latest Bridge Builders live-stream. It was a deep dive into two different website building workflows starring Anne Bovelett & Max Ziebell. Anne was using Greyd Suite in WordPress and Max...

Hey Reader, The other day I posted on the Kevin Geary Inner Circle, looking for opinions about going back to school for web design. I received some interesting advice that I thought I'd share with you. If you have any opinions about it, I'd love to hear! Honestly, I've been thinking about "going back to school" for awhile. A couple years ago I was strongly considering studying music production and taking my talents to Icon Collective in Los Angeles. Obviously, I decided not to for practical...